Hello There, Wavemaker

We are those who believe in something bigger. We are passionate and highly charged, driven by our innate desire to create and seek growth in all aspects of our lives. We aim to inspire and empower, to connect to others and challenge ourselves to make impact by taking our collective ripples and making the biggest waves we possibly can.

What We Honor


You Found Us Because

You’re a passionate, impact-driven woman.

You’re a leader in your own space and own right.

You’re committed to changing yourself and the status quo.

You’re looking for a safe community to engage with.

You’re where you belong.

Support the #Next Wave

This Softec campaign supports Women in the Next Wave Mentor Network. Softec is a non-profit group that serves the ET (Entrepreneur and Technologist) community in San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria. Women are underrepresented in the ET Community, and improving that is a primary Softec goal. Mentoring women is a strategically smart investment, and we hope you will join us.

Keep Making Waves

The inspiration behind Women Making Waves is to connect women to themselves so they can connect to others through:

Empowering mentorships and learning opportunities

Providing a place to be seen, heard and validated

Facilitating programs that allow space & connection to other women

Learning to trust our own intuition so that we can grow personally & professionally

Listen to our podcast

Become a Wavemaker:

Our events focus on Movement, Mindfulness, and Mingling all Month long.
+ Access to ALL online events +
+ First notification and special pricing on all in-person events and adventures+
+ Access to online themed retreats (Coming Soon!)
+ Wavemaker Wisdom Workshops +
+ Support A Sister: Be the change and mentor or be a part of our mentorship Program the NEXT WAVE at a discounted rate. (Scholarships available)
+ Special social media shoutouts, community giveaways and takeovers +
+ Share Your Story: Write a blog, be a guest on our podcast and be featured on our social media +
Make Waves With Us